THE CITY THAT CAN'T REEEEEDDDD: Except when the Texans come to town. Ed Reed has accepted the Texans' deal and will not be a career-Raven. He has taken his two tickets to Houston and will help their defense with the talents that he has left.
It is a sad time, since Ed was a game-changer at times. Of course, he also was a free-lancer that left CB's exposed. And he left us at times saying "that is Ed being Ed". He has talent in the tank, but the Ravens have chosen to go in a different direction with the defense and were not willing to pay as much as Houston decided it was worth. Obviously the Texans feel that Ed was a piece that could help them get to the next level, and that he was worth the value that they paid. The Ravens decided that with a change in the defense, Ed would not offer as much (or that what he offered would not help in the long-term). Reed has unique talents and perhaps the view was that to train young players around Ed would not work when he left soon anyway.
We have seen few long-time players leave. Ray and JO played their entire careers as a Raven. Ed will not do so. We have the memories and will now move on. Forget the bad ones and cherish the good ones. But always remember that in sports ( and perhaps more so in football) you are cheering the team. Players come and go but the Fans are the constant.
Thanks, Ed. Good Luck with the Texans - except when you face the Ravens.
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