Ravens Roost 115
Meeting Minutes, May 23, 2012
Meeting Minutes
The May meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, at Buds of Silver Run. The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 by President, Scott Albright. Scott led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”. A roll call of Officers and Board Members was conducted. Present were Officers: President, Scott Albright, Vice President, Chris Frantz, Secretary, Lori Blake, Board of Directors present were Dawn Geigan, Raul Eusantos, and Chad Tracey, and Steve Rutzebeck. Missing were Treasurer, Kim Harris, Sergeant at Arms, George Colburn and BOD Mike McGinnis.
Scott noted that we had to officially nominate Kim Harris for Treasurer and Mike McGinnis for BOD. A motion was made and seconded for both nominations. Both Kim and Mike are now official.
President’s Report:
Thanks to Heather Fields for attending the May 18th Council meeting for Scott who was busy at the Golf Outing. The Council meeting focused on finalizing the upcoming Convention details. We are happy to have a good group of Roost #115 members attending the convention, its going to be a great time. We have signed up for activities this year and are all volunteering for an event or two in order to help out. We will also be participating in the parade and will be giving out purple Ravens Roost 115 koozies.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kim Harris was out of town on business so no treasurer’s report was available. We are working on finalizing the numbers from the golf outing so we can report our proceeds. It was a great event and everyone had a great time. Thanks Bonni and Rick for a great day of golf and helping us out.
Committee Reports:
Entertainment/Events –
Picnic Table Raffle - We are selling tickets for the Joe Flacco picnic table we won at the Polar Bear Plunge. The tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20. The flyers are on the website. Start selling those tickets as we plan to raffle it off at our Crab Feast. You can purchase tickets on the Roost website or from Scott. The table is awesome and large enough to fit at least 8 people comfortably.
Golf Outing
A great turnout and great day. The weather cooperated and all went well. Thanks to all those who came out to golf and volunteer. We greatly appreciate it! Our final proceeds will be announced shortly as soon as we get all expenses paid.
Crab Feast
Mark your calendar for our upcoming crab feast on Saturday, August 11th from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. at the Westminster VFW. We will be posting and promoting this event. We need to sell out this event as we have the possibility to raise over $4,000. We have secured Harris Seafood to handle the steamed crabs and corn on site. Menu includes all you can eat crabs, corn on the cob, Maryland Crab soup, fried chicken, hot dogs, beef barbeque, macaroni salad, potato salad, baked beans, vegetable tray, cheese tray, draft beer, soda ice tea and lemonade. We will also have raffles and a big 6 wheels along with other fun things. Mark your calendars now and spread the word. Information is posted on the website and tickets are available now. Contact Lori Blake at lblake6675@yahoo.com, chris-frantz@hotmail.com or eusantosjr@hotmail.com for tickets and information. We need everyone’s help to sell this out! Please consider helping us sell tickets or buy a few yourselves.
Dawn Geigan announced that she is looking for someone to join the membership committee with the goal of turning it over to a new chair before September. Dawn has done a fantastic job and is busy keeping up with our awesome website so she needs help. Let Dawn know if you are willing to help out. Dawn has developed a great chart for pro-rated dues and keeping track of new members which is on the website.
Welcome to new member William LeBrun.
Nothing new to report.
Happy Birthday to the following Roost Members:
Bobbi Koppenhaver & Phil Vecchioni both celebrated on May 20.
Debbie Linard on May 24.
Heather Strickland on May 31
John Wisner on June 1
New business:
Thanks to Judi for volunteering to be a back up secretary for Lori when she is away. We are still in need of a head for the charity and bylaws committee to replace Tony and a membership chair.
On June 1st the Lions Club is having their golf tournament with a 1:30 pm shot gun start. Our Roost is sponsoring a tee sign. Golfers are still needed so contact Kevin Trump for additional details or check out their website. http://terrarubralions.org/golf/2012_Golf_Player_Sponsor.pdf
Thanks to Ken at Buds for donating a Chef tasting for 2 as a drawing and for hosting our meeting! Also, for donating a Chef Tasting for all those who donated to Choco (Terri McIntyre’s dog) who walked in the “Walk A Mile in Her Shoes” event. Congratulations to Howard Ferguson who was the winner. Thanks also to Terri!
Judi mentioned about using the Kohl's cares volunteer program. We get 5 volunteers for 3 hours and they pay us $500 to the charity we designate. She said we have to have a charity specified. We will need to decide on the charity soon so she can get the paperwork started to get them lined up in time for the crab feast.
Judi also mentioned that she is helping out with a motorcycle ride in the fall and is looking for riders and folks to direct traffic. Date and more details to come.
Main St embroidery will do our logos on our own garments. They recommend new items and the fabric should not be too thin or really stretchy as it won't work well. No guarantee on outcome if the clothing is not purchased through their website as they can't replace it. $6 for iron on decals and $20 for embroidered logo. You may drop off and pick up at their shop in Reisterstown. It is in the basement of the Mason's Lodge near where Friendly's Ice Cream used to be, across the street from the fire hall. Turn at the light at Chatsworth Drive off of Reisterstown Rd. Make an immediate left turn into the parking lot. Other apparel may be custom ordered and shipped directly to the home. http://www.ravensroost115.com/apparel.php
50/50 drawing was held and Scott Albright was the was the winner. Scott graciously donated the winnings back to the Roost so we made $115. Thank you Scott! With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Rafael has graciously offered to let us put a Roost booth up at his upcoming deck parties. This will allow us to promote new members, sell picnic table and crab feast tickets and just will be good exposure for the Roost. We are looking for volunteers to help us out on the following dates. Please let me or Scott know if you are available to assist for a few hours while enjoying great deck festivities. All deck parties are from 3 pm to 8 pm, but we will take any time you have to help out. Thanks Raf!
Sunday, June 10th
Sunday, July 8th
Sunday, August 5th
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 27th at Rafaels so we will be back home.
Respectfully Submitted by Lori Blake as Secretary Ravens Roost #115
Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com and on Facebook
In : Meeting Minutes