Ravens Roost 115

Meeting Minutes, July 27th, 2011

Meeting Minutes

The May meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday, July 27th, 2011, at Greene Turtle Sports Bar and Grille.   The meeting was called to order at approx 6:30pm by Sergeant at Arms Scott Albright.  Scott led us in saying the Pledge of Alliance, followed by a “Go Ravens”.  Scott provided an overview of our Roost for our guests.  We had several guest attend the meeting.  We welcome new members Roy Dawes, Tony Deleonardo, Mike McGinnis, Tiffany McGinnis, Steven Rutzebeck, and Sharon Rutzebeck.  We look forward to getting to know all of you.    

Treasurer’s Report:

 Tina reviewed the Roost’s financial information.  Tina reported the Roost bank balance to be $4,134.02 and the Ledger balance is $4,299.02. The $165 difference is the profit made from the 50/50 at June’s meeting.  This has been held out as petty cash pending the need to make change for new member dues and/or crab feast tickets.  

 President’s Report:

  • Chris reviewed information for the Roost Council meeting stating that it was a shorter than usual meeting.  Most of the meeting time was spent celebrating Sue Draper’s (Council Recording Secretary) 60th birthday. 

  • Roost 50 is having their shrimp feast/bull roast this Saturday 7/30 at 8 PM at the Knights of Columbus off of Bel Air Road.  We will be partnering with Roost 50 for next year’s OC convention.  They have been very supportive of our Roost. 

  • Chris noted that the Annual Council Bull and Oyster Roast held in February will be held at a different location this year.  It had been at the Patapsco Arena.  More information to follow.  Our Roost will have a bus for the event again this year so stay tuned for more details.      

  • We would like to plan a group trip to an away Ravens game.  Chris mentioned perhaps the San Diego game. However, this might be too far and too costly.  Jimmy Thomas has agreed to look into this and report back to the Roost.  Jimmy nominated Dawn Geigan to assist him. 

 Committee Reports:

Charity Committee: 

  • It was noted that the pictures of our check presentation to our two charities appeared in the Carroll County Times newspaper on Friday, July 22nd.


Events – Crab Feast – The crab feast committee has been hard at work in planning a great crab feast on October 15th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at the American Legion #116 in Reisterstown.  Several tables have already been sold.  Tickets can be purchased on our website (www.ravensroost115.com) or by calling 443-547-0860.  Individual tickets are available or entire tables for 8 can be purchased.  The committee is working to seat people according to preference (near the music, with requested people, etc) so get your tickets soon.  We expect to sell out. 

 Membership – We welcomed six new Roost members.  We will continue to recruit new members at our next meeting at Maggie’s. 

 Old Business:

 Nothing to report

 New business:

 Ed Treadwell, General Manager at the Greene Turtle noted that they have a bus that leaves the Greene Turtle for every home Raven’s game.  The bus departs at 9 a.m. for 1:00 games and 3 hours prior to the start of the game for other time game start times.  The cost of the bus is $35 per person and this includes unlimited food and beer.  Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling the Greene Turtle or stopping in to see any Manager.  The bus holds 47 people and parks behind the public storage on Russell Street.  They arrange games, a DJ, etc. so lots of fun to be had. 

 A big thank you was issued to Ed and his staff for having our Roost and providing great wings and sandwiches.    

 Motion to Adjourn:

A motion to adjourn was made at approximately 6:30pm and accepted.

 Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 24th at Maggie’s Restaurant located at 310 East Green Street in Westminster.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.  Flyers have been dropped off to be posted at Maggie’s so we hope for another great turn out .We will continue our membership drive to recruit new members.  See you there. 

 Respectfully Submitted by Lori Blake, Secretary Ravens Roost #115

Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com or on Facebook or Twitter.