Ravens Roost 115
Meeting Minutes, August 24th, 2011
Meeting Minutes
The August meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday, August 24th, 2011, at Maggies Restaurant. The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 by Board of Director, Jeff Gibbons (filling in for Sergeant at Arms, Scott Albright who was away on vacation). Jeff led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”. He performed a roll call of Officers and Board Members. Present were Officers: President, Chris Franz, Vice President, Jimmy Thomas, Treasurer, Tina Thomas, Secretary, Lori Blake. Board of Directors, present were Board Chair, Chad Tracey, BOD Members, Raul Eusantos, Dawn Geigan, and Jeff Gibbons.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Tina Thomas reported the Roost balance at $6,068.02.
President’s Report:
President, Chris Franz provided an overview of “who we are” for visitors and new members. No report from the Baltimore Council meeting, the meeting was pushed back a week due to the Ravens game on August 19th. Chris will report on this at our next meeting.
Committee Reports:
Charity Committee: Nothing new to report.
Tony Deleonardo suggested that the Roost look at getting involved with the Hampstead Ravens who has a scholarship for kids who cannot afford to play football. Each sponsorship is $125. He mentioned that if we sponsor a few kids we can perhaps link to their website and have a Roost table at games. Over 200 families are involved in this program. It was agreed that this was a good idea and that we want to pursue this. We will look to find out more details/specifics on how to proceed.
Kathy Sanner noted that our charity, TRP is looking to hold Ravens week again this year. Several of our members visited last year and had lots of fun seeing the horses dressed up and all the fun being had. More details to follow.
Events – Crab Feast
Treasurer, Tina Thomas noted that 5 tables had been sold to date for the upcoming crab feast on October 15th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at the American Legion #116 in Reisterstown. Dennis Colson, Crab Chairperson presented the crab feast details to the group. Individual tickets are $40 for Roost member s or $320 per table and $45 for non Roost members or $360 per table. Cash or checks are accepted and credit cards can be accepted on the Roost website (www.ravensroost115.com). Tickets can also be purchased by calling 443-547-0860. . Please note that additional tables have been sold since the meeting so get your tickets now. We expect to sell out. Help is needed and assignments will be made at the next meeting to ensure that things run smoothly at the crab feast.
We welcomed several new members Richard and Sherry Jordan and Heather Fields. Several other folks took applications and noted that they would be sending them in to join the Roost.
New business:
Dennis Colson showed several logo items and noted that he found a vendor, Main Street Embroidery who is willing to help us with the creation of logo items. Keith Matthews, our previous vendor for our Charter member shirts can also print items, he just needs a minimum quantity in order to make it worthwhile. Main Street embroidery does not need a minimum number of items and individual items can be purchased. We will be looking for a merchandise coordinator in upcoming elections to handle this responsibility. A catalog is available for preview of available items.
Board Member, Dawn Geigan discussed the upcoming election process. Annual elections for Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairs will take place at our next meeting, September 28th at Rafaels. Dawn explained that interested members should notify Secretary, Lori Blake at lblake6675@yahoo.com of the position they are interested in running for. A ballot has been prepared and will be available on the website and will also be emailed out. Members must be present at the September meeting in order to cast their votes. This is per our Roost bylaws. Details of the election process can be found on our website. Several new committees will be added in addition to the Membership Committee, Charity Committee and Events Committee. We will add a By-laws Committee, Auditing Committee, Merchandise Committee and a Public Relations Committee. We will need a lot of help with our new committees so we look forward to seeing additional members getting involved.
Annual Charter member dues are being collected. Dues for renewing members are $35. New member dues are $40 to join. Dues can be mailed to our PO Box 2011, Westminster, MD 21158. Renew today!
Carolyn Hund mentioned that she has a contact with the Ravens marching band and they are willing to come to meetings or events. Carolyn also volunteered to help with our holiday party planning.
Jimmy Thomas has been looking into an away game option for Roost members. He found several groups that already have bus trips. After further discussion, it was decided that this is something we will pursue for next season when we have more time for planning. Tennessee is a good game to go to as it is fairly close and inexpensive. Those that have gone to Tennessee in the past enjoyed the experience.
Greg Linard suggested that we create a tab on the website for members who have tickets to sell and for members who wish to buy tickets. Dawn has created this tab on the website.
Reporter, Brett Lake from the Westminster Advocate was present for the meeting. A story on the Roost will appear in the August 31st Advocate.
A 50/50 drawing was held and George Colburn was the winner of $112.
With no other business, the meeting concluded at approximately, 7:45 p.m.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 28th at 6:30 p.m. at Rafaels Restaurant (32 West Main Street in Westminster). Elections will be held so be sure to attend to cast your votes. See you there.
Respectfully Submitted by Lori Blake, Secretary Ravens Roost #115
Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com or on Facebook
Go Ravens!
In : Meeting Minutes