Ravens Roost 115

Meeting Minutes, September 22, 2012

 Meeting Minutes

The September meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Monday, September 22, 2012, at Rafael’s.  The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 by President, Scott Albright. George led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”.   A roll call of Officers and Board Members was conducted. Present were Officers:  President, Scott Albright, Secretary, Lori Blake, Treasurer, Kim Harris, Sergeant at Arms, George Colburn.  Board of Directors present were Dawn Geigan, Chad Tracey, Steve Rutzebeck  and Mike McGinnis.  Missing were Vice President, Chris Frantz, BOD missing Raul Eusantos.

President’s Report:

Scott held off on the notes from the September Council meeting.  Council bull roast tickets, which will be held on February 16th, are now on sale for $46.  We have 40 tickets which equals one bus.  Wagon of Cheer  tickets are $1 each.   Charlotte has been nominated President of the council all other officers are the same.  New Roosts voted in are #125 Essex and #126 Virginia.  Applications have been put in for locations in Florida, North Carolina and Seattle, Washington. 

 Treasurer’s Report:

Kim gave a Treasurer’s report.  We currently have $10,606.79 in the bank.  We gave a donation of $500 to Voices for Children from the crab feast.

  Committee Reports: 

Scott mentioned that we are looking to revamp our committee structure to make things more effective.  We will have 3 main committees – Events Committee, Charity Committee and Membership Committee.  We will be looking for members to help with these committees so more information to come. 


Elections were held and the new officers are:   Scott Albright – President, Steve Rutzebeck – Vice President, Judi Carter – Recording Secretary, Tammy Brooks, Corresponding Secretary, Kim Harris – Treasurer, and George Colburn – Sergeant at Arms.  Board of Directors: Bobbi Koppenhaver, Dawn Geigan, Lori Blake, Mike McGinnis, and Steve Timchula.

 Entertainment/Events – 

Oriole Bus trip will be leaving the old Superfresh parking lot at 5:30 on 9/28, shirts for the event were handed out.  

The Polar Bear Plunge date has been set for January 26, our team page is ready for those who want to plunge.  http://plunge.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1017636&lis=1&kntae1017636=23EFCBF3DDEB42D69250798517ADC555&team=5174881

 There is a blood drive on November 24th at Reese Fire Hall.  Since we are the closest roost, we have been asked to help out, more information to come.


Renewals for September dues were sent out and due renewals for September will be emailed.  The membership committee has worked hard to get everyone on the same renewal date by prorating dues each month.  Dues are $3 per month or $36 per year.  Make sure to renew your dues.  Dues can be paid online or get cash or a check to Dawn, Bobbi or Heather.


Nothing new to report. 


Nothing new to report. 

New business:

Ravenettetrips and New Horizon Marketing are organizing a trip to Houston for the game on October 21st. They have great package deals. If you are interested call (727) 744-7824 or visit www.ravenettetrips.com.

New members Mike & Tony were introduced. 

Congratulations to Heather on her wedding. 

50/50 Winner Michelle Albright won $100.

Dennis showed Ravens gear and is taking orders.

Next Meeting:

Our next meeting will be held on October 24, 2012, 6:30 p.m., at Johansons.Respectfully Submitted by Judi Carter, Secretary, Ravens Roost #115 .

Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com and on Facebook.