Ravens Roost 115
Meeting Minutes, September 28th, 2011
Meeting Minutes
The September meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday, September 28th, 2011, at Rafaels Restaurant. The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 by Sergeant at Arms, Scott Albright. Scott led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”. He performed a roll call of Officers and Board Members. Present were Officers: President, Chris Franz, Vice President, Jimmy Thomas, Treasurer, Tina Thomas, Secretary, Lori Blake. Board of Directors, present were Board Chair, Chad Tracey, BOD Members, Raul Eusantos, Dawn Geigan, and Jeff Gibbons.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Tina Thomas reported the Roost balance at $5,629.
President’s Report:
Scott Albright attended the Baltimore Council meeting in September. He reported the following:
The Baltimore Council bank balance is $46,000; We can take any handouts for our events to distribute at the council meetings; we are being asked to help sell tickets for the wagon of cheer for the Council Bull Roast on February 18, 2012; words to the Ravens “Fight song” were distributed; A new Roost was established in Kent Island and is Roost #122; Council President Mel Toppa was featured in the Sunday Sun; there is now a tailgate lot for the Polar Bear Plunge and tables will be sold to Roosts; Council elections took place and we voted for 2 Roost members from Roost #50 for the Board of Directors; there was a 2nd reading for changing of the bylaws concerning new Roosts and the changes have been sent to the Roost Presidents; All donations must be sent to Sue Draper to be accounted for and recognized; we mentioned our Hampstead Ravens donation and received an applause.
Committee Reports:
Charity Committee: Nothing new to report.
Events – Crab Feast
Due to low ticket sales, the Roost crab feast has been cancelled. Refunds will be issued to those who have paid. Tina will be getting refunds out to everyone in the near future. Thanks to those who purchased crab feast tickets.
Dawn Geigan mentioned that Charter member dues are up for renewal. Dues for the 2nd year are $35.00. The goal is to get everyone renewed by our October meeting. Dues can be renewed online or by sending a check to PO Box 2011, Westminster, MD 21158.
New business:
Elections were conducted by secret ballot. The results are as follows:
President: Scott Albright
Vice President: Chris Frantz
Secretary: Lori Blake
Treasurer: Tina Thomas
Sergeant At Arms: George Colburn
BOD: Chad Tracey, Raul Eusantos, Dawn Geigan, Tony DeLeonardo, Steve Rutzebeck
Membership Committee: Dawn Geigan; Tina Thomas; Bobbi Koppenhaver
Charity Committee: Tony DeLeonardo
Entertainment Committee: Mike McGinnis, Carolyn Hund
Public Relations Committee: Heather Fields
Additional committee members are welcome.
A 50/50 drawing was held and Kathy Sanner was the winner.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m. at Rafael’s Restaurant (32 West Main Street in Westminster).
Respectfully Submitted by Lori Blake, Secretary Ravens Roost #115
Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com and on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace!
Go Ravens!
In : Meeting Minutes