Message from the Secretary, Lori Blake
October 27, 2010 – 6:30 p.m. @ Rafael’s
Scott Albright, Sergeant At Arms started us off with the Pledge of Alliance followed by a “Go Ravens”.
Chris welcomed everyone and noted that we did not attend the Baltimore Council meeting in October due to a mix up with dates. The Baltimore Council meetings are held on the third Friday of the month in Catonsville. Chris will attend in November and extended the invitation for any other Roost members to join him. Chris will report information from the Council at our monthly meeting.
Tina gave a Treasure’s Report and as of 10/27/10 we have a balance of $1,244.22. The bank account will be set up at First Mariner Bank after we get our State Corporate Charter. We expect that this will happen in the next week or so. Expenses include: A $400 fee for applying for our EIN (Tax Exempt number); $170 for our State Corporate Charter Filing, $192 for our Incorporation fee into the Baltimore Council, $98 for our PO Box; Envelopes and receipts $8.78; and an addition PO Box key $7.00.
We currently have 69 Charter Members. The cut off for Charter Membership was 10/27, although membership is still open for individuals, they will not be considered a charter member.
Steve Willem from the American Red Cross discussed the first Annual Council of Ravens Roost Blood drive to be held on November 27th from 8 am – 3 pm at the Hunt Valley Marriott. They are looking to collect 200 units of blood that day. If that goal is reached, 600 patients will be helped. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767 or you may also sign up on-line at redcrossblood.org.
Dawn Geigan was recognized for her great job in setting up and maintaining the Roost website. Please continue to check out the website for Roost information and send Dawn your photos to be added to the website (maplebaskt@aol.com). This helps members get to know one another. The web page can be found at (http://ravensroost.yolasite.com/).
Several members visited the TRP barn this week for the Ravens Week event. The riders really enjoyed having visitors. Kathy noted that an article will appear in the Carroll County Times this week about TRP.
We had a logo discussion and it was determined that all logo ideas will be submitted to Lori Blake (lblake6675@yahoo.com) by Friday, October 29th at 5 pm. All logo ideas will be uploaded to the website for a member vote. Voting will be available through Friday, November 5th at 5 pm. so be sure to go to the website to cast your vote.
Several sub-committees were established. Lori will email all committee members with contact information. Each committee will establish a committee chair and will report committee progress at our monthly meeting.
We will be ordering Ravens Roost #115 shirts with our logo (once selected). The shirt committee will be charged with coming up with a shirt design and will report back to the group.
A question was raised regarding our support for other charities. Chris noted that we are open to supporting other charities outside of our two selected ones. The charity committee will develop a form with criteria for charity support requests. We will then discuss these requests (if any) at our monthly meeting.
Tina shared a beautiful Ravens wood carving made by Dick Alban. We will look to raffle it off or perhaps Dick will make more for members to purchase.
A motion was made and accepted to have a monthly 50/50 raffle at our meetings.
Shirt Committee: Scott Albright, Troy Alban, Mike Hull, Carolyn Hund, Tina Thomas
Charity Committee: Shelly Mclaughlin, Kathy Sanner, Lori Nardyz, Tina Thomas
Fundraising/Events: Bonni Klein, Sarah Stockman, Sarah Brown, Neil Myers, Raul Eusantos, Chad Tracey, Lori Nardyz, Tina Thomas
Membership Committee: Dawn Geigan, Jeff Gibbons, Tina Thomas
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at Rafael’s.
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
December 22nd – 6:30 pm (tentative due to the Christmas holiday)
January 26th – 6:30 pm
February 23rd – 6:30 pm
March 23rd – 6:30 pm
April 27th – 6:30 pm
May 25th – 6:30 pm
With no other business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.
Go Ravens!!
In : Meeting Minutes